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Nothing I ever write here will actually describe exactly who I am. Which is exactly what writing is? The vulnerability to be okay with not knowing exactly what the answer is whether it's in your own personal life or own in your writing. It's that uniqueness that makes writing such a therapeutic exercise.


I have spent the majority of my employment learning about exactly what I can do, what I want to do, and what I can eventually do after graduating from The University of Central Florida in December 2016. I am very passionate about public relations and writing, as well as advertising, which is why I chose to major in Writing & Rhetoric within the College of Arts at UCF. When I realized that I wanted to learn how to write towards different audiences, I picked up a minor in mass communications. I find it fascinating that writing and language can bring together all types of people and can create relationships and connections. It is my goal to work in Music PR after graduation with a specific and unique concentration in crisis and entertainment public relations. I came about this decision by growing up surrounded by music. From singing classically since I was six and playing piano since the age of ten, working for a record label would be ideal for me. I find music to be an art, and when you pair art and writing, amazing connections can be made. "Music speaks when words fail." I hope you recieve a little piece of me in my writing portfolio.

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